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How to create a bootable USB from any ISO

Creating a bootable USB has become very common. More than once it has happened to us that we have been to install an OS and could not find the installation disk or was shredded. Even we can also come to think it's silly to buy a CD to save an OS and not able to use it more often. Because of all these situations and many more USB bootable invented. Well, today we will learn how to create one.
For several years now we can take our Operating System in our pocket or key chain. I mean keep our USB Operating System ready to install on any PC. And although, as I said, it's nothing new, there are many people who either do not know how to copy it or deny it for the sake of the CD, today we show you how quick and easy it can be to install an operating system on a USB .

Previously we did a tutorial in which we explained how to install Windows 8 from a USB , but following this tutorial can install any OS and any distribution. Not only typical Windows or Linux, but also can install Backtrack, Ubuntu or open SUSE, to give some examples.

What we need

  • USB formatted.
  • A bootable ISO image of the OS is to install.
  • The program UltraISO .
  • A BIOS that supports booting from USB (Although for several years, all support it).

How to create a bootable USB

1. 'll start installing UltraISO and connecting our USB memory.

2. Once installed, open UltraISO and select the image you want to copy to the USB.

3. we click on Boot and select Burn disc image .
4. Upon previous step a window will appear. We seek paragraph unit and select the drive where our memory is mounted USB and finally click on Save .

5. Done! We already have our bootable USB with the OS ready to install.

Now we can take our favorite operating system in a pocket of our ready to install in the situation that you least expect jacket.

How to install from USB

1. We insert our USB, if any field. We turn off your computer and enter the BIOS . The process to access the computer's BIOS varies, but usually when you start a small legend appears at the bottom showing the key you must press to access the BIOS.

2. Section Boot USB selected as first choice , or specifically the USB that contains the OS as I do. It depends on the BIOS screen varies, but they are almost equal. Save and out .
3. Once your PC is started, begin installing our operating system . From here we just need to follow the steps you indicate the installation guide.

After following these few steps, and we have learned to create a bootable USB and install . We can see that it is extremely easy and has many more advantages than a Live CD, plus you can use it for any OS.

How to Recovers Deleted Files from Your SD Memory

Among the most dreaded computer disasters is the possibility of losing our data on the disk. Though each day more resistant and durable devices are made, anything possible that can happen something that our disk data erase.
 Recovers Deleted Files from Your SD Memory
The problem is compounded if we talk about an SD card of our camera for example, lose all the photos you just made ​​would be a problem, right? . So from Rooting we will teach you to use an application that often will be able to recover the lost information , Photos, a multi platform application that we can use in these cases.

Okay, how is it done?

The great advantage of this application is looking for a particular file type from 390 possibilities, you can use it to ZIPs, JPEGs, MP3s, DOCs, XLSXs, PSDs, and more. The only fault we could find is that the application does not have graphical interface, but that's no problem if you follow the tutorial to the letter.

  1. We downloaded the application, is an application that requires no installation, and is completely portable.
  2. We connect memory or disk from which we retrieve and run the application. always under an account with administrative rights, otherwise use a gutter with privileges to run the application right> click run as administrator .
  3. We introduce ourselves password.
  4. We chose the disk to recover, we'll know this by the ability of the device.
  5. The program then asks us that we select the partition type of the disc, if we have more than one partition at this point will show all available, if using only one partition and it will show only one we should choose.
  6. The next option is focused on type of system you are using on your disk , if the disk contains a Linux system select the first option, otherwise select Other .
  7. Now we are asked to specify where the files are searched , this option is somewhat useless because obviously not going to be in the free hand, so select the option Whole .
  8. Now is the time to say where we want the recovered files to be saved , we only have to navigate to where you want to do this and press the C key to set the folder.
Finally, after that the program will start the process and will be playing only wait for this finish . When you are finished and we can find all the files that has been able to recover within the destination folder you have selected. If you still not serviceable with the text interface, you can use this other article to have a graphical interface.

Free Top High PR Dofollow Directory Submission Site List

Without doubt, one of the headaches of administering any blog is the position, ie the position where any of the entries listed in the result of a search through Google . To get a good position as we introduce is called SEO(Search Engine Optimization)
directory submission list
If we have been consistent and have written every week, we noted that the indexing of the contents of your blog by the search engine Google ( Spider ) is faster. This is due to the fact that while at first it may be days or even weeks since we published an entry until it appears in the search, with the passage of time is adjusted automatically tracking the frequency with which the Spider check out the blog. For this reason it is essential to publish frequently

But we must not confuse the positioning with content indexing . The first seeks to improve the position,  the latter seeks that all our content is recognized by the search engine .

If you just start a blog I recommend you read " Send Blog Sitemap to Google "as it is essential for indexing content

The topic SEO is an extremely large and complex to summarize in a single entry world. On the other hand, just looking to indicate that one of the ways in which we can improve the positioning is to record our blog in various  blog directories.

do not know if you noticed on some blogs (including this one) are a series of logos with links at different sites. Normally each of these icons represents a directory.

Why register a blog blog directory improves positioning?

The explanation is simple, these directories have a degree of updating hundreds or thousands of daily news . Each of these news comes from blogs, so the directory as such has, if you compare it to a blog a high priority and what is called a Page Rank higher. This causes Google to index and prioritize the directory first and then links to news items that normally end up in the blog that generated them. In other forms a directory of blogs wholly or partly each of your blog posts with a link to this.

A directory of blogs provides quality inbound links to the blog

Any SEO will aim to get inbound links (ie pointing to the blog) from quality sites. The goal is to position the content to generate more visits.

So, if I publish an entry on my blog and this one, it is discharged into a blog directory , it is possible ... well ... the news is safe even if the same will come first published in directory and then our blog will appear lower positions (which will be indexed but not positioned).
What are the recommended blog directories?

NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.traveltourismdirectory.net7Free Submit
2.http://www.cyndislist.com7Free Submit
3.http://www.dmoz.org7Free Submit
4.http://www.highrankdirectory.com7Free Submit
Top High PR 6 Dofollow Web Directory Submission Site List
NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.britainbusinessdirectory.com6Free Submit
2.http://www.gmawebdirectory.com6Free Submit
3.http://www.hotvsnot.com6Free Submit
4.http://www.siteswebdirectory.com6Free Submit
5.http://www.usalistingdirectory.com6Free Submit
6.http://www.ukinternetdirectory.net6Free Submit
Top High PR 5 Dofollow Web Directory Submission Site List
NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.armenianlinks.com5Free Submit
2.http://www.bhanvad.com5Free Submit
3.http://directory.r-tt.com5Free Submit
4.http://www.findelio.com5Free Submit
5.http://www.joeant.com5Free Submit
6.http://www.mygreencorner.com5Free Submit
7.http://www.officialsearch.com5Free Submit
8.http://www.somuch.com5Free Submit
9.http://www.vision-iq.com5Free Submit
10.http://www.01webdirectory.com5Free Submit
Top High PR 4 Dofollow Web Directory Submission Site List
NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.ananar.com4Free Submit
2.http://www.businessseek.biz4Free Submit
3.http://www.elitesitesdirectory.com4Free Submit
4.http://www.free-url-submit.com4Free Submit
5.http://www.linkcentre.com4Free Submit
6.http://www.netinsert.com4Free Submit
7.http://www.pegasusdirectory.com4Free Submit
8.http://www.tsection.com4Free Submit
9.http://www.w3catalog.com4Free Submit
10.http://www.1websdirectory.com4Free Submit
Top High PR 3 Dofollow Web Directory Submission Site List
NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.askdirectory.com3Free Submit
2.http://www.blazewebdirectory.com3Free Submit
3.http://www.directmylink.com3Free Submit
4.http://www.freedirectorysubmit.com3Free Submit
5.http://www.hawkdirectory.com3Free Submit
6.http://www.infrasec-conf.org3Free Submit
7.http://www.packages-seo.com3Free Submit
8.http://www.submityoursite.com3Free Submit
9.http://www.towebmaster.net3Free Submit
10.http://www.voxcap.com3Free Submit
Top High PR 2 Dofollow Web Directory Submission Site List
NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.abovealldirectory.com2Free Submit
2.http://www.bubbleplex.com2Free Submit
3.http://www.cherasite.com2Free Submit
4.http://www.dealdirectory.com2Free Submit
5.http://www.hvwebdirectory.com2Free Submit
6.http://www.freedirectorywebsites.com2Free Submit
7.http://www.mainostoimistot.info2Free Submit
8.http://www.phpseodirectory.com2Free Submit
9.http://www.seowebdirectory.biz2Free Submit
10.http://www.wgsmedia.net2Free Submit
Top High PR 1 Dofollow Web Directory Submission Site List
NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.allindiaservices.com1Free Submit
2.http://www.beastdirectory.info1Free Submit
3.http://www.callyourcountry.com1Free Submit
4.http://www.directory4sites.com1Free Submit
5.http://www.elephantdirectory.com1Free Submit
6.http://www.freeadddirectory.com1Free Submit
7.http://www.howtouseseo.com1Free Submit
8.http://www.magpiedirectory.com1Free Submit
9.http://www.sammratdirectory.com1Free Submit
10.http://www.textlinkdirectory.com1Free Submit
Top High PR 0 Dofollow Web Directory Submission Site List
NoDofollow Directory NameGoogle Page RankSubmit Here
1.http://www.addurlsubmiturl.com0Free Submit
2.http://www.blitzdirectory.com0Free Submit
3.http://www.companyprofile.biz0Free Submit
4.http://www.directory-free.com0Free Submit
5.http://www.freelinkdirectoryusa.com0Free Submit
6.http://www.glitterdirectory.com0Free Submit
7.http://www.howtoaddurl.com0Free Submit
8.http://www.prdirectorylist.com0Free Submit
9.http://www.sitepros.org0Free Submit
10.http://www.website-listing.info0Free Submit

How do they work?

Normally you must fill out a form. For Logs and blogosphere  about 15 days to get a response if your blog has been accepted into the directory. From that moment is when you have to do what is called a PING, which is notified that there are new entries to post in your blog directory. To this are these icons because they are a shortcut to the blog administrator. For 20minutos.es it may take 1 month to receive a reply. Unlike the other two, the latter is fed automatically without need for Table. Paperblog surprised me and although it is the last in this list is highly recommended, if you get to put on the cover one of your post is really excellent positioning for your interests.

Note: Although I have not mentioned, this also applies to Web sites to which there are also directories. SEO site optimization seeks not only in Google search engine but others like Microsoft Bing, Yahoo etc. !,

How in all entries, I invite you to review and suggest through the comments. If you enjoyed this post recomiéndola your friends through social buttons that you just below.

How to [OPEN] Access Blocked Websites on Browser,Mobile

They say that the Internet is not golf you can put doors. But it is not true at all, as all in one time or another we have found ourselves the position to not be able to enjoy certain service because it is locked or geographically similar things. Fortunately there are VPN and proxies that allow you to bypass these restrictions, however in the eyes of the average user to configure them in a position not easy, a problem that solves the extension for the Chrome web browser called ZenMate.
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ZenMate Plugin To Access Blocked Websites
The same was released a few months ago, have just announced that they have already exceeded one million users, and in summary we can say that is a complement of Chrome which allows you to browse the network from the browser that takes us into doing . traffic by third party servers other words, installing X ZenMate and web access , the access request reaches a third-party server which in turn sends it to the site and equal to the inverse; the site detects the server request, responds, and sends this response to the user.

Okay, so what does it mean in practical terms? might be wondering many. Well, having an intermediary server between users and websites, the latter receiving requests from the server, which identifies websites that reach across the country in which the server and not via the user is located. So if Pepito, who lives in Spain, I would like to access Netflix, site not operating in Spain, could do ZenMate installing and configuring a server it USA , Native nation's service because Netflix would come to the access request from USA

Best of all is just that once installed, ZenMate provides various servers located in different parts of the globe , and together virtually any user can access any website from anywhere in the world. And it does so very simply, or other major asset for extension: you just have to install it , create an account, activate the extension, choose the server that we best fits at all times and ready, we will be sailing with him.

In addition, the third big thing or the invention themselves explain that ZenMate goes beyond other similar options because not only removes the geographic restrictions also fully encrypts all traffic "to the highest safety standards" by which the Users browsing safer and more private.

So either skip the issue of location restrictions or improve privacy, it is highly recommended to install ZenMate. We took a few days testing it and we have not yet found any fault, even a slowdown in connection note , something that usually happens when you navigate with a VPN or free proxy involved.
entrance, entry, way in, means of entry, ingress;
log (up), stop up, choke, plug, obstruct, gum up, occlude, dam up, congest, jam, close

The Three Great Enemies of a Blog

Today we'll talk about the three great enemies of a blog. I recently completed 3 years blogging. Believe me when I say that, although it has been a very rewarding period, the work was hard. And lately is harder still, because it is more difficult to capture public attention because of the huge competition, social media (especially Twitter), that have changed the way we communicate on the Internet and influenced how blog, and changes in Google algorithms, which aims to ensure the highest quality and usefulness of the content occupying the top positions in the search results.
how to surive from blogging
From the beginning, I realized that you had to have a lot of imagination and that blogs are not a 100 meters race but a marathon. It is very easy to start a blog and leave soon. In fact, that's what happens to a large number of people who open a blog. Today we will see some of the causes of the closure of a blog. Fortunately, there are remedies against them.

A blog has three great enemies: the lack of constancy, apathy and impatience. Then I invite you to fight those three enemies with a few tricks I've learned over time.

Lack of Evidence

If you fail to regularly publish when simply not going to engage your followers. Especially at the beginning, set yourself a pace of publication and follow a schedule. And do not confuse rest with abstinence: sometimes you need a break; used the holiday as an incentive, not a procrastination.


Boredom is another major obstacles faced by a blogger. Apathy comes when your blog has taken over you. How to achieve not be a prisoner of your blog?

Stacey Roberts proposes in 2014 Reboot: Find Motivation and Inspiration to Blog Better This Year some good solutions to combat boredom start a meme, interact with other bloggers, be exposed to new things (buy a book, watch a movie, meet someone Again, going for walks, spending time with his family, listening to music, going out of their normal daily rhythm, etc.).

But there is one idea at the very interesting article: Hire a coach who forces you to step back when necessary, to keep you in the direction that you have previously established that makes you difficult questions and encourages you when you're in a slump. No need to pay for a coach, this may be a friend, family member, another blogger, etc..


Patience is the first weapon of a blogger and this is not nonsense. Without patience you will not get far. Visits will not arrive on the first day; perhaps months elapse until you start to see the first fruits. And if your blog has lots of years, then all the more reason you should arm yourself with patience because the world will breakneck speed and the road is endless.

I hope these will serve and fight it touches your irregularity, laziness and impatience.

Download Modern Combat 5 Blackout for Android APK File Free Playstore LInk

Now you can download Modern Combat 5 Blackout for Android. After long weeks of waiting, Modern Combat 5: Blackout has finally landed on Google Play. Gameloft The famous franchise has always surprised us with its extraordinary graphic level and this new release is not going to be less. It would not be surprising that Modern Combat 5:. Blackout become the best shooter of the year Modern Combat 5 Blackout is as good as it looks. A great graphics power. A new level of graphics power a mobile game. Salta to the action with the latest installment of the best series of FPS , which again raises the bar once again. Create a squad adds to your friends and test your individual and team dynamics against other squads in multi player contests skills.
Modern Combat 5 Blackout
Combat 5 Blackout for Android
If you are going the way of a player? Then dive into a world on the brink of anarchy and escape the extreme to end a lunatic who tries to destroy the world situations.

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 customizable classes that you can level up in single player modes and multi jugador.Dispondremos four classes: soldier, tracker, gunner and sniper. To unlock new weapons and accessories from a particular class, we frequently use both multiplayer and campaign to gain experience. Active class specific skills and winning using skill points.


Epic combat team in games against firing squad. Talk to other players in the global platoon chats. platoons and individual rankings. Earn fantastic rewards on events limited time.


Earn XP and level playing single-player missions and multiplayer games. unlock more weapons to dominate the lower level. Customize your perfect weapon with lots of accessories and immerse yourself in the action.


Campaign missions a breakneck pace with different challenges that will take you to Tokyo and Venice. Play in new special operations missions for a real shot of adrenaline. graphics, music and perfected and integrated into seamless cinematic voices.
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Intuitive and controls many customization options to play exactly your way. supports HID Modern Combat 5 game controllers. Also Mega Pro is supported, in mode B (HID Mode.) As in previous editions, the game has two game modes: a campaign mode in which will be part of a team of special ops and multiplayer online it will allow us to team up with our friends or strangers to complete a mission before our adversaries. Modern Combat 5: Blackout has a cost of 5.99 € and is now available on Google Play. Download Modern Combat 5 Blackout

How to download Apple OS X Yosemite Beta

Apple had promised and he will. Open the doors to its beta program and, as noted, this Thursday a million registered users can download the OS X operating system Yosemite.

Those with a Mac support will make the download. Of course, they must first register. To Obtain  the "invitation". The Mac user should go to the beta page and enter your Apple ID and password. If you have an Apple ID, you can create one by clicking the provided link.
download Apple OS X Yosemite Beta
Once you have entered your data, Apple will send you an email with instructions for downloading and installing the system for Mac Beta. Indeed, Apple will provide a redemption code allowing you to download and install OS X Beta from Yosemite Mac App Store.

Invitations are limited to the first million users who register through that particular portal. Users who have signed last year to the beta version of OS X Mavericks must register on this site.

The OS X Yosemite be released this fall to all users. However, the beta program allows people to test preliminary versions, find bugs and report them to Apple. "Your comments will help us improve Mac OS X ' say on the official website. To try this version you must have previously installed the OS X on your Mac Mavericks. If not, you can download it for free on the Mac App Store.

Apple recommends that the beta version is installed on a computer other than the main use , as it may contain bugs and glitches. Also remember to make a backup of the entire system and files before installing Mac Beta Yosemite. "The beta version of the software is unfinished. Some new features will not be available, such as calls, SMS, delivery, and iCloud Instant Hotspot drive "they explain.

Google Penalty Penguin: How to Detect and Recover 2014

One of the biggest fears of amateur SEOs is quire a penalty Google algorithm change , and that what worked before and was considered " standard ", stop working and also involves go to the bottom of the results of search.

This has happened repeatedly in the past and is still happening. However, Google is a benevolent God, and always lets us out of penalties in which he gets us . How? Let's find out.
Google Penalty Penguin

5 Basic Steps to deliver you the Penguin

  1. Diversify your anchor texts : Essentials. It is what most penalized Google Penguin, and what is still more dangerous. View your inbound links and if more than 25% of them have the same anchor text, correct it. You have two roads, the Black and White. The White is remove them, because they are probably garbage, Black is throw more links to other anchors to balance. You decide the way forward.
  2. Improve your bounce rate : The best option for this, if your website even though I try fails to capture attention for a fairly long time, is that you use Youtube. Add a funny / emotional / viral video two or three minutes on each post, so you have to stay to see it, and decrease your bounce rate the hard way.
  3. Participate in social networks : Ten presence in two or three social networks. Specialize in them, and do not try to grab more. Of course, left the door open for your posts so that your readers can recommend to all other networks. Google is becoming more social.
  4. Make believe you molas Google : Get links to those that did not want to see or painting. Do not Follow from Wikipedia? I assure you that if Google realizes you are visitors from Wikipedia, Youtube, Digg, ... will not matter that these links are not Follow.
  5. Use the tools that Google brings you : And I'm thinking especially Links to disavow. Do not be afraid to remove all the TRASH that for months were creating completely unproductive (at least today). Send to fuck all those links, although you tell yourself "but are linked to after all." Google prefers you without links with trash.

Final Thoughts

Here are some tips to get out of the penalty. As you see, are not the " White "and, of course, if you work with a client who has been penalized, I do not do these tricks as I have discussed here . I try to make it more natural and a way to tell Google, " Ok, I understand what you say, I have done wrong, and want to do well . "

But for most mortals who have been penalized, matters little to a penalty for leaving the way more white or more black on the road. What you want is out, and if it can be faster, better. And why most do not care how they get out? Because most are penalized for Black Hat, Black Hat so use to exit reinforces its power to Google

    Cloud Computing Internet Overtake Importance

    Cloud computing will overtake Internet in importance as the development of the Web continue also will allow developing countries to have access to software that has always been reserved for the rich countries. Small businesses save money by storing their data instead of purchasing servers.

    However, cloud computing is facing challenges in the development and regulation. Cloud computing must also face other challenges, which are government privacy regulations, entertainment companies seeking to curb piracy, and nations who fear the domination of foreign companies in cloud computing and develop their own systems .
    Cloud Computing Internet

    Importance and Benefits of Cloud Computing in the Modern World

    Doing things "in the cloud" has become a common phrase these days, but what is cloud computing, exactly? Understanding the importance and benefits of cloud computing in today's world has become a new way of doing business. There are real benefits that can increase the productivity of any organization, while simultaneously providing higher profits.

    What is Cloud Computing?

    Cloud computing is a term used for any kind of computer work in which it is hosted online through Internet. There are many different services that can be offered in the cloud. For example, websites can be hosted by a cloud server instead of maintaining internal staff and doomed them physical servers. Many computer-based technologies can be accommodated within the cloud, and data, email, office productivity tools and communication software.

    The Benefits of Cloud Computing

    Reduced Cost : Cloud computing can save companies money to companies offering the same services. Many tools are available that can help maximize productivity and reduce costs.

    Flexibility : Cloud computing can be easily adjusted to the needs of the organization, whether to increase or reduce capacity. This is especially beneficial for companies that have heavy seasonal traffic.

    Stability : Many businesses suffer from downtime due to crisis management, the necessary software or hardware upgrades. Cloud computing is much more consistent uptime, and that all issues are addressed on the outside and proactively.

    Future changes

    Due to the extreme flexibility of cloud-based computing, many companies are making the transition. There are advantages to get key information remotely, from anywhere, by any authorized personnel. Business productivity can increase, along with the ability to work remotely and access data easier. So in cloud computing is the future of business.

    SEO Mistakes to Avoid! Every New Blogger Do this Mistakes

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to any successful campaign in blogging. Therefore must be implemented correctly. SEO itself is quite complicated for many reasons, but mainly because Google uses an algorithm, which takes several factors into account for the ranking of a web page, and it changes constantly.
    SEO Mistakes to Avoid!

    Mistakes should not be done:

    Buy Links

    By buying links to a website, you are taking a risk. Paid links are marked sometimes by experts from Google search engine. For example, if a hundred links to point to a website on the same day, some links will probably be marked as "irregular activity relationship" is paid. In addition to those that are linked to categories that are not related to the site, they will be suspicious.

    Duplicate content

    Many bloggers try to treat the same subject with a variation of similar keywords. For example, 'make money on Facebook' and 'make money with a Facebook account' is quite similar, and create an entirely different page for each keyword does not add much value to the site.

    Chasing PageRank

    PageRank is important to the success of any website. The higher the PageRank, the better you will rank in the search engines and get more visitors. However, it definitely is not the only metric that will help improve the success of a blog. In addition, Google has mentioned that PageRank is only one of two hundred indicators used to track and rank a website. Instead, you should concentrate on ROI analysis and relevance as stated by Google.

    Title tags Leave automated

    The title tag is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects when it comes to rankings in the search engine. Beginners Bloggers often write a post with a long title describing the subject in many words. First, the title should be fairly short (no more than 60 characters) but more importantly, we should aim at optimizing title tags.

    For example, if you write a post titled "What is a niche in a Blog and how can I create it?", The title tag should be more directed towards keyword, something like "What is a niche in a Blog? "with" a niche in a blog "as keywords.

    Sacrificing content

    While many bloggers depend on the content to grow a blog, there are some who have become obsessed with the design of your site. However, when using many graphics or images, you can make the site load is too slow. Using Flash gives movement speed and sounds, but will prevent robots search engines can crawl the pages at a desirable pace.

    Use Free Hosting Blogs

    The services that provide free blog hosting, can provide a decent platform and an excellent value. However, they are not flexible enough to install plugins, themes and other extensions to be for SEO positioning.

    Keyword stuffing

    One of the most common mistakes of SEO is keyword stuffing. It is not only unethical, but also harms the search rankings. If you want to have multiple keywords, create a separate account for each keyword and optimize page. Instead of using hidden text or duplicated, you create useful pages that have their well implemented keywords within the content.

    Write some content

    Many websites have very little content. When writing post too short, the page can be considered as low quality when it comes to SEO rankings.

    Do SEO correctly

    There is no one way to optimize a site for search engines, but there are proven assessment methods can be used. Several bloggers make the mistake of linking only the first page of the website. Instead, you must build links pointing to relevant and popular sites. There is always something new to learn about SEO, so make sure that the knowledge we have to date.

    Forget the ALT tag

    Google does not place great emphasis on the ALT tags, but other search engines like AOL, Yahoo and Bing if they do. The truth is that a photo is just an image file if it is not optimized for a keyword. To optimize it, use the ALT tag when the image is inserted into a post. Thus the better the results. We must also consider naming the image file with a keyword or at least a defining term. If you are blogging about the laws of copyright, the image name should be "SEO Mistakes to Avoid.jpg" and not something like "picture10.jpg" which will not help.

    How to generate online sales for Internet Business

    Generating sales leads to new opportunities for additional revenue and new customers. There are a number of techniques and strategies that need to be considered. To generate sales online , you have to understand the online world and its workings. Knowing HTML code is useful for the technical aspects. People flock to the Internet to find answers to your questions and to make purchases.
     generate online sales for Internet Business

    Things you need

    A website
    Marketing Plan
    Form capturing leads

    A website

    Decide a suitable design and keep it simple but professional looking. Focusing potential clients and pursue sales.
    Choosing a hosting provider is an important decision, so it is advisable to take your time.

    Build a marketing plan traffic generator

    1. Wondering; What are you looking for? How to meet the needs of customers with the products or services offered? What is your emotional need? According to experts, people act based on their emotions,
    2. Write the marketing plan. There are several ways to drive traffic to a website: create videos and post them on YouTube, write articles for others online, using social media like Facebook and Twitter, send press releases, use Google Adwords and buy advertising on web sites blogs.
    3. Decide which method works best.
    4. capture and convert traffic into leads. Offer something of value in exchange for name, email and / or telephone number of each visitor to the site.
    5. Create a special offer. Give an ebook, free courses, free offer experience and knowledge to build trust.
    6. Use an offer to promote services while valuable information is provided by site visitors. Do not get discouraged if it does not work very well at first, in any case make improvements and try again.

    Form capturing leads

    Create a form on the website. Now that you have an offer and a marketing plan, you need to capture and store information about visitors. By capturing the name and email address, is a good start to generate sales. Create a form from scratch or use a free tool. Place the form on the site and start sending engines look for an offer. It is important to remember that the offering will value and can build a relationship.

    Tips and Warnings

    No wasting time on designing the website. Selling is what brings revenue. The design can be improved later, but at first, sold should be the number one goal.

    4 Types of Backlinks for the Webpage in SEO How They Useful In SEO

    Backlinks are also known as incoming links, internal links and inward links. A backlink is any received by a site link, directory, website, or top level domain to another web node.

    Inbound links were significant (before the onset of the search engines) as a main mode of web browsing; today, their significance lies in search engine optimization (SEO). The number of backlinks indicates the popularity or importance of that website (this is one of the factors considered by Google to determine the PageRank of a webpage). Outside of SEO, the backlinks may be of interest; personal, cultural or semantic, since they indicate that it is paying attention to that page.
    Backlinks are still a major factor when it comes to Google rankings. If you wish to view the site in the top results, you must ensure that you have good backlinks as much as possible.

    Types of text links

    There are 4 types of text links that can appear on a web page. They can be used to create a backlink profile that will strengthen the position of the web on Google:

    1. informative Backlink

    Informative backlinks to pages that provide more information related to the words that are linked in the text.

    2 The definition Backlink

    This is to provide an expanded definition of the linked words.

    3 The benchmark Backlink

    Benchmark backlinks are used to cite the source on the website

    4. promotional Backlink

    Promotional links are directed to a landing page, for example: how to get the top 10 on Google with a unique software tool that helps with all aspects of SEO.

    The backlinks to determine a site's position in Google them. If you want a detailed description of the web site backlinks and competitors, you can analyze SEOprofiler .

    The search engine rankings

    Search engines often use the number of backlinks that a website has as one of the most important ranking in search engine popularity and importance factors.
    Google interprets a link from page A to a page B as votes. This form of rankings has driven the SEO industry, where a company attempts to place as many inbound links as possible to their site regardless of the context of the originating site.

    Websites often employ search engine optimization techniques to increase the number of backlinks pointing to your site. Some methods are free while some, like linkbaiting require a bit more planning and marketing to work them, that is why there are several factors that determine the value of a backlink. Backlinks from authoritative sites on a given topic are very valuable. If both sites have key issue-oriented content, the backlink is considered relevant and has strong influence on the positioning. A backlink represents a favorable environment for the receiving Web page from another website vote. Another important factor is the anchor text of the backlink

    10 Tips to Create a Good Link Building for Your Blog Website

    We all know the importance of Link Building in SEO strategy. But how we are always at the latest? Do you meet the requirements of naturalness you should have your link building strategy that Google will not look askance ?

    Let's see it!
     Good Link Building for Your Blog Website

    For a good Link Building, you should look ...

    • Contextual Links : Links in Footers are over. You can still serve some isolated brand name (it would be absurd to say that this penalizes alone, if so, all the designers who put their link on the footer of Theme would be in hell), but do not abuse them. Try to get links in articles, sponsored posts, etc.
    • Links to articles : Do not continually linked to the Home. Normal (natural) is that the links go to different pages of your site. Quiet, Google knows that all these pages are from your own site. If they go up, your site in general, too.
    • Few Internal Links : Although the internal link structure of a website is very important, no sense that each article has dozens of links to other pages of your website, especially when many of these links point to a page with two different anchor texts. It's counterproductive.
    • Quality links : When you look powerful links, forget SEO. Look for those sites that can send you traffic as if SEO did not exist. Getting that link is what will bring you more benefits in both SEO and off.
    • Few link exchanges : Few, none. Why? Because the basis of all naturalness, and if I have a blog of Yoga, and I have no idea of SEO, and counting on a page that I really like and also I am a friend of the Webmaster of the web ... The normal is we exchange a link. So if there are few exchanges with similar themes, is acceptable, but do not abuse them.
    • No Follow Links : Always tell a No Follow link is better than no link. In addition, No Follow links have an extra edge, and is naturally giving your Link Building strategy. It is normal to have hundreds of links and none No Follow Do Follow.
    • Shortly SPAM : Time to go blog by blog commenting and leaving a link already over. By far, leave your link in a blog that regularly visit and I really like tea. Create community there, exchange views and others, and leave your link. But do not just go to the blog, leave your link and not appear over there.
    • Diversity of anchor texts : Little to say. Since the arrival of Penguin, the diversity of anchors is a must for any SEO. This is what will give your more natural Link Building.
    • Spy on your competition : Knowing where your links removed, it will serve to get those same links, or will give you ideas of other websites that can serve to improve your Link Building strategy.
    • Grow naturally : The growth of a number of website links, naturally, is quite progressive. It is unusual to win a daily link from the day you create the web, and continue two years later. Nor thousand backlinks naturally receive in two weeks, and no other for months. OFF during the first week, two or three in the second, three to four in the third, etc. Natural growth.

    But ...

    Yes I know. I'm sure other web sites you've read that link exchanges are ABSOLUTELY prohibited, like links in the sidebars or Footers. You may also have read that comment in another blog leaving your link is bad, and that internal links are important.

    You've read that, and I'm saying the opposite (or almost). How can that be? 'Cause I try to look natural . And to get a Natural Link Building strategy you must think like a person who does not know what SEO means, let alone know what the formulas are for a good position .

    That is why I do not discount the links in sidebars or footers. Why? Because if you get one or two per 100 links, and also with the name of your brand or your web site, falls within the natural . A person with no idea of SEO, if you see an ad on another page of " Advertise on our site "may buy that space, and that space may be in the Footer. And the best part is that it is happy because he has managed to create a link that will bring traffic. Does Google penalize you? No.

    As neither penalize you if you exchange links with webmaster friend, or comment on one or two blogs in your topic leaving the link . Google will not penalize such behavior, always falling within naturalness. That is, if those links " that should not be good ", are hidden among a high percentage of quality links, what they do is give naturalness to Link Building.

    Remember that Google does not like to be deceived, and so loves to find websites whose webmasters " are so ignorant in the SEO who are unable to deceive . " Do I explain? Learning what not to do, well disguised, takes us through fools, and fool Google from there, it is the most effective method .

    Just remember: a little of everything, as you would someone with no idea of SEO . It is the only way to get a Natural Link Building.

    Here are some basic tips that your Link Building strategy will enjoy a level of naturalness in the eyes of Google much higher than the other sites. Remember that Google, having before it two pages of the same issues and both with good quality, will better position the more natural it seems.

    How to Disallow Bad Links[SPAMMY URL] in Google

    Before knowing how Google should disallow links to be clear that this procedure can lead to negative consequences. If you are unsure whether the links or backlinks you have pointing to your website are really bad.you should deindex that low quality and spammy links from google here is how to do
    How to Disallow Bad Links

    Have a million backlinks that point to your website?

    The first thing you should check is whether these links will generate traffic. If so forget and still enjoying the views that they bring you. If not, then you can begin to ask yourself disallow some with Google tools, but as it tells the search engine not mean that you will keep in mind what you indicate.

    According to the own official aid tool disallowing links from Google tells us how to do the steps. And everything would be clear if it were not for a little catellano mixed with English. Go to Google ...

    But does all this negative backlinks?

    In principle yes. Some companies are using it and it seems that at least the links disappear after a few months but as in any SEO strategy, you never know whether or not the effect is produced by striking these backlinks search engine or other actions. I'm more of the opinion that in seo there is no one thing that works but a set of them, and although the links have their value, updates on search engine are no longer what they were, and if before the penguin, Hummingbird and other wildlife was entirely feasible algorithmic position in first place without a single backlink, why not supposed bad links?

    The most logical is that links that Google considers not negative note and, therefore, is as nonexistent. So, why disallow links?

    And to talk about certain things must be based on experience, I have to mention that I am waiting for results in disallowance of links on a website that went through not good seo practices. Yes. Like what you hear. A month of waiting and counting since I made the ships in Google disavow Links Tool. So you should take it easy as I mentioned, but can the seeker never consider the links marques to overrule its own tool and follow seeing reflected throughout eternity.

    If you're still thinking it may be good to remove backlinks pointing to your website, I'll leave how to disallow links in Google . I hope it will be helpful and tell me that this was your so that together we can give a little light.

    1st part to disavow links

    1. Let Google Webmasters Tools .
    2. Search traffic / links to your site.
    3. With more links to your site / and click on more information.
    4. Download links displayed.
    5. When the download window click on to modify the CSV file of links from Excel open.
    6. Open the downloaded file and if you followed these steps, you can compare all links or backlinks pointing to your website. thing we have to do with the downloaded file is to leave only the links will disavow . Mind you, if we let some line that contains a good link from which to achieve them we missed the skin, this will be taken as a bad link if Google takes into consideration the steps below explain, fail to spend the much money link juice (link juice) as many backlinks as you leave lines in the file.
    After leaving solely and exclusively the bad links, one per line, we export the data to a txt file text and do the following:

    2nd part to disavow links

    1. You see the direction Google disavow Links Tool .
    2. Select the website you want to disallow the links. If you have multiple domains Webmasters Tools have added a drop down list to choose from among all your domains.
    3. Click the button Deauthorizing links .
    4. New window where we have to choose the text txt file we created earlier appears.
    5. Press send.
    And ready. With these simple steps we have already proceeded to notify Google disavowal of links.

    ***Did you find it helpful to you? Add a comment and tell me that this has gone*** 

    Download Modern Combat 5: Blackout for Android, iOS and Windows Phone

    Gameloft has with Modern Combat 5: Blackout published the fifth part of one of the most popular first person shooter for smartphones and tablets.
    Download Modern Combat 5:
    Modern Combat is every gamers among you certainly one term. The series from Gameloft has been around since 2009 and is one of the most popular on mobile devices ego shooters. Every few years a new part comes out, the outside is to rely on the smartphones and tablets as a new standard. This year, Modern Combat sends 5 to Blackout to conquer the charts.
    DOWNLOAD APK  Modern Combat 5
    The game could be picked up in the first few hours and with the testers much positive criticism. Blessed is the graphic to be mainly on high-end devices at a very high level. Criticism is sometimes a little immature multiplayer mode. But Gameloft should improve this, this is probably a buying criterion for many, since such a mode ensures that you can have fun with Modern Combat 5 may have in the long term.

    Modern Combat 5: Blackout for android mobile
    Download from Google Play (5.99 €) & App bei Playboard

    Modern Combat 5: Blackout for iphone
    Download for iOS from App Store (5,99 €)

    Download Modern Combat 5: Windows Phone Store
    Download here More apps for Windows Phone, see →

    What do I have to praise personally is the "new" business model by Gameloft. You throw the game is not free in the app store and demanded money for every little thing, but you ask the fans once with 6 euros to the checkout. There are no 'in-app purchases. It happened even signs and wonders at Gameloft. Unfortunately this is only a test and it includes such not for the future. Let's hope that the test is positive.
    • 4 classes, you improve in single and multi-player games can
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    • Collect EP and rise in level by playing single-player missions and multiplayer games
    • Fast-paced story missions with challenges from Tokyo to Venice

    Google Play Store: Download and install the latest version Free[MANUALLY]

    You are one of those who received a gift of a Chinese Android , Tablet China  that are considered Cheap mobile and can not download applications or official games and can download and install Google Play Store on your Android , then we bring you all the options so you can sync your smartphone or tablet with your Google Account so you can have all  Android Apps and Games  you want to download to your mobile device.
    android playstore manually installation process
    With the advent of Android Market mobile technology were gradually developing the first applications and Google think Android Market , the first official application store for Android , which evolved to be called Google Play Store where all services are grouped Google's cloud as: Apps and Games , Play Music for music, Play Books for eBooks and Google Movies for movie rentals, which is more than necessary to access these services, which are accessible only if you have installed  Google Play on your Android Store .

    Install the latest version of Google Play Store on your Android:

    Google services for mobile platform are available in almost all countries and can be accessed from a smartphone or tablet with Android , but here comes the big question, there are many mobile devices for more that have any version of Android can not access Play Store to browse, download and purchase applications, this is due to ?.

    It is very simple, any mobile device, be it a smartphone or tablet that does not have the digital certificate Google can not access their services, and this occurs mainly in pirates devices or Chinese who have installed a version of Android not authorized by Google and also that some are copies of high-end devices will not upgrade the operating system, so as many say, the cheap you will be expensive, because currently there are good Android as OnePlus One or Moto G , which are very accessible and have a first class hardware.

    Very Important:

    • Google Play Store is only compatible with mobile devices that have installed Android v2.3  onwards.
    • Android Market can be installed on devices with Android 2.2 or lower , if you have Android 2.1 or 2.2 you can not upgrade from Android Market to Play Store , except that you can install an Android Rom .
    • The latest version of Android Market before calling Play Store was v2.3.6.
    • Currently the latest version  is v4.9.13 Play Store (July 2014) , which adds the expected user interface called Material Design coming in Android L , and also allow install an extensive range of applications at once, selecting the Apps you want to have on your device and click on the option "Install All" now allows you to purchase Applications, Games, Music, Books, Movies and pay with your PayPal account, fixes bugs, adds new section statistics application or game you're going to download and improved performance.
    Let's start with smartphones and tablets that if Google are certified and can be installed without problems Play Store .

    How to manually install Google Play Store?

    1.- your Android goes to Settings -> Applications and enable the Unknown Sources box, if you have  Android Jelly Bean must go to Settings - Security-and enable Unknown sources to be able to install applications manually.

    2. Download  APK v4.8.22 Google Play Store , connect your smartphone or tablet via usb to your computer and copy the downloaded APK to the microSD card from your Android device and unplug your computer.

    Download the APK of the latest stable version | Google Play Store v4.9.13.APK  |  Google Play Store v4.8.22.APK  .

    3.-With a file browser goes to the contents of the microSD card and find the  APK of Google Play Store  you have downloaded and installed the APK, it will tell you that you will overwrite an application and the operating system must accept.

    If you are surfing from your device just download the APK, when you've downloaded from the notification bar you can install it without problems.

    That's it, after a few seconds you will have installed the latest version of Google Play Store on your device .

    Do you have a Chinese Android without Google's digital signature?

    Install Play Store or Android Market if you have a device with Google's digital certificate especially a tablet:

    You must know which version of Android is your smartphone or tablet you can see from the option: Settings - About phone or tablet, almost half will tell you what version of Android you have installed.

    Very important: if you want everything to go well, you should think about how to root your android , and the thing with root access is easier.

    If you have Android 2.2 or 2.1:

    First try to install the latest version of  Android Market v2.3.6 , the app store called Google before  Google Play Store .

    You can download it and install in two ways:

    1.-Through File .APK Android v2.3.6

    On your walk to Android Settings -> Applications and enable the Unknown Sources box, so you can install applications manually, then run the apk from Android Market .

    2.-If you have root access you can do it via cwm recovery option Install From SD Card |  Market_2.3.6-stock.zip  then reboot your device and you have installed the Market. (Recommended method).
    If you have Android 2.3 onwards:
    If or if you need to have root access on your smartphone or tablet without Play Store .

    Tutorial to be able to root any smartphone or tablet |  Universal Android Root Android Original or Chinese .

    Download the necessary files and look at the video tutorial:

    .APK |  Android Market v2.3.6 .

    File to install via CWM Recovery |  Market_2.3.6-stock.zip

    Video tutorial files:






    It's File Explorer

    WhatsApp Android: How to Renew Your Membership Free for 1 Year

    Among all the applications you can find to send text messages for free, no doubt to  Install WhatsApp is one of the most noteworthy in most operating systems where it has made ​​its arrival, being used by more than vast amount of users worldwide. And if you're one of those users who prefer this service over any other, this time we found an interesting trick dedicated to those who need to renew the annual membership that offers development company, one that will save us having to make any type of payment without too many complications.
    Renew Your Membership Free for 1 Year

    Renew membership WhatsApp for Android Free

    This trick is not really complicated to achieve, but we need to meet a minimum requirement before you start, and have a model of mobile phone or smartphone that has an operating system to ours and which is the application of WhatsApp . This is not really very difficult to find, unless our circle of family and friends only use devices with Android , which may not be a very complicated case of thinking, if a BlackBerry or iPhone is a great option to achieve this trick .
    How To Make WHATSAPP Account Lifetime Trick

    Once we have achieved this device, the only thing we do is swap the SIM card and start the new device with the same. This will make the application itself asked to identify the number of our account again, so after a text message or call (depending on how we verify), the service will give us a total of one full year of membership , not having to make the payment required in a lot of platforms.

    Once we have completed the process only we relocating our SIM in the original model and re-run the Android application , having saved changes and a total of one year of free membership delivered official and legitimate way by the company.

    If still accounts WhatsApp remember that you can get totally free from the Play Store , however well you can always install it from the more famous store alternative known as BlackMart Alpha Android , both smartphones and tablets with Android in order to have a way to get this application itself without much trouble, especially if your device is an Android Chinese .

    How to install BlackMart Alpha[APK] and Alternative to Stores Play Store

    No one can doubt the success of Android as a mobile platform, by now many users have a smartphone or tablet with this operating system and that is why there are both official and unofficial options to install apps, etc on your Android. Recall that Android Market  was the first official store  for Android applications  that evolved to be called  Google Play  where all Google services are grouped into the cloud as  Google Play Store  for apps,  Play Music  for music,  Play Books  for eBooks and  Google Movies  for movie rentals.
    download apk of BLACKMART ALPHA

    Alternative shops to Google Play Store:

    These services are available in almost all countries and can be accessed from any mobile device with  Android , but here comes the big question, there are many mobile devices that have more than any version of Android can not access Play Store to search, download and purchase applications, this is due to ?. It is very simple, any smartphone or tablet that does not have the digital certificate can not access Google services, and this occurs mainly pirates, or Chinese devices that have installed a version of Android not authorized by Google.

    If not  you can install on your Android Play Store , all you can do is seek alternative app stores which allow you to download applications without entering your data in  Google or Gmail .

    If you have an Original Android :

    Alternatives Play Store more stores used:

    Very Important:
    1. You must have enabled the installation of applications from external media on your device, according to the version of Android you have this in: Settings - Security - Unknown sources.
    2. Another important step is that in some cases your smartphone or tablet must have access Root |

    Getjar Android:

    GetJar is one of the stores that are pre-installed in most tablets and smartphones "pirates" who does not need your data to Google or registration, it is optional and you can do using your Facebook account to see my friends have been installed using this store.

    Just you need from your device visit the official url:  www.getjar.mobi , the first time you will be asked to write the name of your device, then you can browse the different categories and choose which applications you want to download and install, that if , you have to download the APK to install the GetJar store and can be downloaded directly from your smartphone or tablet.

    GetJar Android has the advantage that you should put your model (s) smartphone or tablet, so when you search apps will show a list with only the apps that are compatible and if you have a lot of credit on your 3G or WiFi plan Look from your PC apps and get a number of quick download that should put to go to the option "Quick Download" which is at the end of the application of GetJar that must be installed on your Android, so you save bandwidth on your device .

    As the main drawback is that GetJar does not have many games, especially the more modern like Gameloft, EA, etc, but has almost all the basic applications to connect to social networks and stay in touch with friends and gives you updates thereof.

    Aptoide (Blackmart Alpha) for Android:

    install blackmart alpha
    Aptoide certainly used as an alternative to the Play Store and you can search by thousands including the official repository where you can find paid apps so that you can download and try for free thanks to the repository Alpha Blackmart better known as Black Market .

    To use Aptoide your smartphone or tablet must have  Android 2.2  and up and navigate to your android official website, download the apk, run it, add the repositories you want and you will be able to install thousands of apps and free or paid games.

    As Aptoide and BlackMart Alpha Black Market and install on your Android:

    Official website for you to download the latest version (download it from your device) | Aptoide.APK Android .

    If you want to Install BlackMart Alpha  or Black Market if or if you need to have the store installed  Aptoide  and look for Black Market , or download the latest version from their official website in Blackmart Alpha Facebook , the downloads, run it and you can download any application that supports your device.

    Already with BalckMart Alpha installed on your Android , you just have to search by category Applications Games or whether paying or free to try on your device when you have chosen a game or app have the option to Install, to install, Market, to open on Google Play and Advanced, where you can choose to install directly or download only apk game or app for when you want to install manually.

    The good thing is that when there is an update to any game or app BlackMart Alpha alerts you of new updates.

    If you liked any Application or Game of payment, security of your device it is recommended that after tasting them, buy them directly from Play Store , or aid to developers as well, but it's your decision.

    1Mobile , one of the new alternatives to download apps, much more complete than Aptoide with a more friendly interface can find thousands of apps sorted into categories thereof are valued by all users in this shop so you know if it's worth installing any app .

    Official Website for you to download the app |  1mobile.com .

    Yandex Store , the latest novelty to download apps on any smartphone or tablet with Android 2.1 and up, and is the only one that offers more security by Kaspersky antivirus and analysis support for automatic updates, so you can download any app quietly either free or paid.

    Yandex Store for Android has over 50,000 applications ranked among games, social networks, etc., and to download apps you must first create a free account, you can do on your own device.

    Official website for download | Android Yandex Store .

    Lastly there is the option that many users are using, you can download any app or game searching in Google, for that you must write the name of the app along with the word apk (to refer to an app from Android ), for example, real racing 3 apk , facebook apk , etc, and you order the search by date, so you can download the latest version of the app you want to install on your smartphone or tablet, keep in mind that this option is used to download my payment, which may contain malicious and can harm the normal operation of your device code, so install cracked apps at your own risk.

    [APK] Free Download the latest version of Google Play Store

    We continue with the deliveries of applications owned by Google directly to apk and the latest version available as of today . This time I want to share with you all, which is certainly the best application company based in Mountain View .
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    Google Android Play store
    The application is none other than the latest version of Google Play Store , the Android app store and from which we have access to downloading hundreds of thousands of applications for our Android devices.

    How ever tell you that this version of the Play Store in apk is taken directly from my own terminal and provision of the needed without any manipulation on my part. If you want to install native applications Google in an unsupported terminal or that does not have the same applications as the Play Store officially, you have to do is stop by this link  where you will find an easy solution for installing the Google cited native applications.

    How do I install the apk of the latest version of the Play Store?

    To install the latest version of Play Store available you just need to download the apk directly from this same link and run as usual. Remember that it will have to be enabled for the permissions to install applications from unknown sources from the terminal settings where you go to to the upgrade or installation of the apk.

    For this you do not need a terminal with root permissions or anything like that because as I say is the official version of the Android app store without any modification.

    Google Play is the application giving access to the online store of the same name. With it, users can buy and download apps or media from the Android device.

    Key Features

    • Consultation: With Google Play , the user accesses a million applications and games. It also provides a multitude of music files and videos. It is up to the user to consult extensively before making a selection on a particular product.
    • Search: the tool was equipped with a module to quickly find any app submitted in Google Play Store. He just needs to enter the name or a keyword. It is the same if the user searches for a specific video or music.
    • In-app purchase: Google Play includes an option that allows the user to acquire any paid app. There also are books and movies on sale. From the user without louver The purchase is the latter having to exit the application.
    • Download: directly from the interface, the user retrieves applications or other items purchased. Once downloadés, they automatically appear on the interface. The process of downloading and installation have been improved to make it easier for the user and avoid multiple clicks
    Operating system: Android.

    This application is a free download.
    The interface is presented in several languages, including French.

    Some devices may not be suitable for this application, causing concerns of instability.
    Download - PlayStore.apk

      Google Sandbox Algorithm:How it Effects The New Websites Recovery tips

      Webmasters and SEOs who are trying to get a good search engine optimization on Google earnestly want to understand the Google Sandbox. What is it? Does it really exist? Is there any way to completely avoid it? Let's see what you've always wanted to know about the Sandbox but did not know who to ask.
      how google sandbox can effect the ranking of blog
      Google Sandbox Algo

      What is Google Sandbox?

      The Google Sandbox is a course reserved for the new web space. The result is that the site can not ranking well for your most important keywords. Even with good content, abundant incoming links and strong PageRank, a site can still be adversely affected by the Sandbox effect. The Sandbox acts as a test for the web, possibly to discourage spam sites from making too rapid positioning to be subsequently banned.

      How would you define the Google Sandbox in a sentence?

      The Google Sandbox could be defined as a trial for a new website and kept in positions lower than expected in the search engines, prior to giving full value for their inbound links and content.

      Why Google launched the Sandbox?

      It is thought that the reason why Google created the Sandbox filter for new websites was to stop the spam sites that use a lot of trying to get links and get good ranquings from the time of its release. As Google considers that a high number of targeted to a site from scratch is suspicious links, the enalces not look as natural. Another possibility is that spam sites could use various tactics to climb to higher positions and have great sales before being penalized by Google; penalized once, create another site and repeat the process. As a result, new sites are put on probation, usually referred to as the Google Sandbox. Not everyone agrees that the Sandbox exists as a separate filter to other filters Google. Even not all SEOs believe that Google uses a system of filters. Skeptics argue that the phenomenon is given by the existing algorithms and that the Google Sandbox effect is merely an illusion.

      When first appeared?

      Webmasters and SEO professionals began to notice the Google Sandbox effect, real or imaginary, in March 2004 launched The web pages thereafter noticed that not positioned themselves so well in their first months of life on the Internet. The rankings were supposedly quite poor despite good PageRanks, strong backlinks and good SEO tactics practiced.

      What kind of sites are in the Sandbox?

      While all kinds of pages can be in the Sandbox, the problem seems more frequent in those who get good rankings on most competitive keywords. All sites would some time in the Sandbox, but those websites are more competitive searches probablmente longer.

      You can prevent your site from the Sandbox for several reasons. If your website was launched before March 2004, your site probably prevented the problem. Sites whose keywords are uncompetitive often left out because they do not make much sense to apply the filter. Note, however, that even with less competitive keywords your site can be affected by the Sandbox, but your stay can be so short that to not be noticed. If you have a previous release of Sandbox domain, your website could also skip this period.

      How long can a website be?

      The time of a web in the Sandbox can go from one to six months, with three or four half. Less competitive searches will give a shorter stay, while very competitive can be extended to six months. The most common rate is about three months for most searches.

      Does it change the time of stay in the Sandbox?

      The Sandbox stays vary widely. The more competitive the word, the more time that passes the site. The filter will lose power over time and lose most of its effect in about three months. Of course, if the keywords are more competitive, this can be extended to six months.

      How do I know if I'm in the Sandbox?

      Look for evidence of the activity of the Sandbox. Your website has a good PageRank and good inbound links? Have a good position for secondary keywords? So if your site is lost for the most important searches, it is likely that your site has been located in the Sandbox. If a site was suffering from a Google penalty, the website does not appear in Google SERPs for searches or less important. The site does not have PageRank, even a gray bar on the Google Toolbar.

      Even I have good positions for keywords less important, why?

      One of the most important features, and one of the marks of being in the Sandbox is that you keep a good position for less important keywords. Apparently the Sandbox filter is designed for the most competitive keywords, because they are the most likely to be spam sites and other sites positioned based unnatural links and other manipulative methods. This is unlikely to keywords with less competition, so I generally stay out of the Sandbox filter.

      If I join Google Adwords and Google Adsense, does this save me from my inclusion in the Sandbox?

      Participate in programs like Google Adwords and Google Adsense have no effect in the Sandbox. While it is true that these programs pay you could give an extra boost in traffic while you're at the bottom of the SERPs. In addition, you'll join Google programs you'll want to say in their favor.

      Are there other filters that act similarly Google Sandbox way?

      Many SEO professionals believe there is a filter credibility of the new links are achieved. This has nothing to do with the Sandbox, though sometimes confused. In this sense, this filter also created links to websites to prevent getting links unnaturally. The only real escape from the Sandbox is time. Depending on the competitiveness of the keywords, the time may vary from one to six months, with three or four as normal duration. Meanwhile, continue to improve your site and get ready to experience a sharp rise once your trial period has ended.

      What should I do while my site is still buried in the Sandbox?

      While you are in the Sandbox web is the ideal place to continue to add new content rich in keywords and add new links to your site now. Add new links ensure that they can receive some time after-effect. However, beware of two strategies, since you have to take into account possible Google penalties. In short, act as if you have no filter and have patience.

      Should I continue adding content to my site while in the Sandbox?

      If your site is in the Sandbox, fail to add more content pages in value. Concentrate on adding more pages with keywords and do not forget the on-page SEO factors and off-page. In the on-page, make sure the title tags have good keywords for the topic. Add a site map and make a good network of internal links with proper anchor text. Do not miss this opportunity to improve everything you can your website, because once you open the door will direct you to the position you deserve in ranquings.

      Should I keep getting new links to my website?

      The Sandbox is the perfect time to start adding inbound links to your web period. As new links will also pass the filter we have discussed before, is ideal pass both filters at the same time. Once you pass both filters, you'll realize its power. Be sure to add keywords to the anchor text as well as variations and combinations. Only time can get you out of the Sandbox. The length will vary depending on the Sandbox competitive keywords, but few positions after upload of this test depends leave only your seo efforts.

      When I left the Sandbox web, even had bad positions. Is this normal?

      Your ranking may stay low for more than one reason. After surviving the Sandbox, your site is not positioned for your most important keywords. Still have an escalation process ahead of you and a lot of work to get to the top. Check all SEO factors to make sure you are doing everything right. Surely, you have a point when you falter.

      How long can climbing after leaving the Sandbox?

      The length of time spent to be number one for your keywords depends on many factors. We will not even begin to analyze all SEO strategies you can carry out, since this would for many posts on their own. Also, keep in mind this is not a single player game, since everything depends on your competition is doing.

      How I can avoid the Sandbox first?

      I really do not know if a site can not pass this filter. What we can do is throw your website as soon as you have the domain, even if not finished. This will make the time begins to run in your favor even though you are on the go. Thereafter, start adding good content, build a presence on social networks and not giving any signal spam. Another option would be trying to get an existing domain. If this domain has passed the filter, you can avoid having to pass it again. for more details about google sandbox 
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